Friday 10 April 2015

How much breastmilk should my baby drink - drinking enough? - new mother diary Ep2


How much breastmilk should my baby drink?

This is a very common question that a mother would ask. Let me tell you, the answer is, nobody knows - exactly. 

Back to the equation that I always talk about, breastmilk supply = demand = supply. Therefore, how much you baby should be drinking is actually up to your baby! If you ask any, any paediatric, there isn't an absolute answer. Then of course you will ask, how the paediatric know my baby is drinking enough?

The indication? Baby weight. 

As long as baby is gaining healthy weight then it is all right. In fact, baby stomach is very small in the first few days of their life. Have you thought of the size?


However, there is a rule of thumb that my LC told me (if I am feeding formula milk) which is 2.5ounce per pound of baby weight. Therefore, as you baby grow, the feeding will be more.

Let me share with you 3 indications that baby is drinking enough taking the rule of thumb aside because I do not really believe in that.

  1. Baby is continuously gaining weight after 10th day. 
  2. Baby looks satisfied after each feed.
  3. Baby have at least six to eight wet diapers a day.

During my confinement, my CL have been nagging and nagging persistently that my baby is not drinking enough. The baby could not sleep well because my breastmilk is not thick (fats) enough, my breastmilk supply could not satisfy my baby need and etc.

And to the extend, she asked me to pump and show her much much in ml I am producing at that point of time. Well, if you have already read my "myth breastfeeding" and "breastfeeding tips" you knows by now, ALL THIS IS TOTALLY RUBBISH!

So people, stay calm and feed.

Hot MaMa

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