Post-Natal Massage
There are so many post natal set in the market which I can’t really decide which to purchase yet.
Most of the post natal set are mostly Malay product and which I don’t really have any close Malay friend that are married and can give advise.
Below are a few that I manage to find and read reviews on, compiled and share my lil thought with you

Tanamera Postnatal Care Set (RM350-RM400)
Contents are:
1. Feminine Herbal Wash
2. Herbal Bath
3. Herbal Tea
4. Lavender Floral
5. Herbal Massage Oil
6. Cold Press Virgin Coconut Oil
7. Brown Formulation Body Soap
8. Boreh Body Scrub
9. Calming Herbal Blend Paste
10.Firming Herbal Blend Paste
11.Postpartum Binder
2. Herbal Bath
3. Herbal Tea
4. Lavender Floral
5. Herbal Massage Oil
6. Cold Press Virgin Coconut Oil
7. Brown Formulation Body Soap
8. Boreh Body Scrub
9. Calming Herbal Blend Paste
10.Firming Herbal Blend Paste
11.Postpartum Binder
Value for money: 6/10
Quality: 8/10
Comment: If you opt to go for traditional massage with Tanamera, you must purchase this product – complete set in order to go for their massage. Their massage package range from RM540 (3 sessions) to RM850 (5 sessions). Each session last about 2.5hours. If you stay within 20km from their shop (subang SS15) then they can actually come to your house for service. You may visit their website for more information http://tanamerapostnatal.com/massage/ or read my blog for their massage review
Quality: 8/10
Comment: If you opt to go for traditional massage with Tanamera, you must purchase this product – complete set in order to go for their massage. Their massage package range from RM540 (3 sessions) to RM850 (5 sessions). Each session last about 2.5hours. If you stay within 20km from their shop (subang SS15) then they can actually come to your house for service. You may visit their website for more information http://tanamerapostnatal.com/massage/ or read my blog for their massage review

AMWay Postnatal Care Set (RM230-RM270)
Contents are:
1. Herbal Douch
2. Herbal Bath
3. Firming Herbal Blend
4. Herbal massage oil for mummy
5. Warming Herbal Blend
6. Calming Herbal Blend
7. Herbal massage oil for baby
8. Postpartum Binder
9. Herbal Tea
10.Capsul after birth 1 & 2
2. Herbal Bath
3. Firming Herbal Blend
4. Herbal massage oil for mummy
5. Warming Herbal Blend
6. Calming Herbal Blend
7. Herbal massage oil for baby
8. Postpartum Binder
9. Herbal Tea
10.Capsul after birth 1 & 2
Value for money: 9/10
Quality: 8.5/10
Comment: If you purchase this product, then you may want to really learn up how to use each of this product very carefully as there are many steps to follow. You can read my blog for further guidance and my review on how to use this product as I have actually use this for my confinement. However, different from Tanamera set is that if you purchase this product you can’t go for Tanamera massage because they do not use other product than their own! Thus, I engage a urut lady for my massage. She is a chinese lady who charge RM480 (4 sessions) or RM800 (8 sessions). This product can easily purchase from any AMWay agent.
Quality: 8.5/10
Comment: If you purchase this product, then you may want to really learn up how to use each of this product very carefully as there are many steps to follow. You can read my blog for further guidance and my review on how to use this product as I have actually use this for my confinement. However, different from Tanamera set is that if you purchase this product you can’t go for Tanamera massage because they do not use other product than their own! Thus, I engage a urut lady for my massage. She is a chinese lady who charge RM480 (4 sessions) or RM800 (8 sessions). This product can easily purchase from any AMWay agent.

Mustika Ratu Postnatal Care Set (RM160-RM200)
Contents are:
1. Galian Parem Wangi
2. Pulih Balung Sumsum
3. Pilis Wangi
4. Tapel Raket Mustika Sejati
5. Parem Segar Sumyah
6. Bubuk Bancar Air Susu
7. Minyak Telon
8. Ginasih Pembersih Wanita
9. Kaplet Mimi Lan Mintuno
10.Minyak Telon
11.Postpartum Binder
12.CD on Postnatal Care
2. Pulih Balung Sumsum
3. Pilis Wangi
4. Tapel Raket Mustika Sejati
5. Parem Segar Sumyah
6. Bubuk Bancar Air Susu
7. Minyak Telon
8. Ginasih Pembersih Wanita
9. Kaplet Mimi Lan Mintuno
10.Minyak Telon
11.Postpartum Binder
12.CD on Postnatal Care
Value for money: 5/10
Quality: 6.5/10
Comment: Personally I did not really use this product but I do have friend given me feedback on this product. She engage a tukang urut (an indonesian) for her massage during her confinement which cost her about RM60 per session. As there are no package, she did about 3 sessions and she stopped because she could not bear the heat during the massage. She mentioned that as she is breastfeeding, the product is a bit too “heaty” for her baby and thus, she only manage to finish less than half of it.
Quality: 6.5/10
Comment: Personally I did not really use this product but I do have friend given me feedback on this product. She engage a tukang urut (an indonesian) for her massage during her confinement which cost her about RM60 per session. As there are no package, she did about 3 sessions and she stopped because she could not bear the heat during the massage. She mentioned that as she is breastfeeding, the product is a bit too “heaty” for her baby and thus, she only manage to finish less than half of it.

Ibu Halimah Jamu Mak Dara Postnatal Care Set (RM350-RM400)
Contents are:
1. Jamu Mak Dara (Serbuk)
2. Jamu Mak Dara (Kapsul)
3. Losyen Param Ibu Halimah
4. Pilis
5. Bedak Sejuk
6. Rempah Mandi
7. Postpartum Binder
8. Tungku Kukus Herba
2. Jamu Mak Dara (Kapsul)
3. Losyen Param Ibu Halimah
4. Pilis
5. Bedak Sejuk
6. Rempah Mandi
7. Postpartum Binder
8. Tungku Kukus Herba
Value for money: 6.5/10
Quality: 8/10
Comment: The instruction to use this product can be found at http://www.jamumakdara.com/set_bersalim_arahan.html. Apparently a lot of Malay friend are using this products. According to their review, this product have prestigious branding and have been available at the market for quite some time. However, most of my chinese have not heard of this product before ~ LOL This product review rating is base on the average compiled review.
Quality: 8/10
Comment: The instruction to use this product can be found at http://www.jamumakdara.com/set_bersalim_arahan.html. Apparently a lot of Malay friend are using this products. According to their review, this product have prestigious branding and have been available at the market for quite some time. However, most of my chinese have not heard of this product before ~ LOL This product review rating is base on the average compiled review.

Nona Roguy Postnatal Care Set (RM300-RM320)
Contents are:
1. Tablet Phyto Natal
2. Akar Herbanika
3. Herbanika Lulur
4. Herbanika Barut
5. Minyak Herbanika
6. Uncang Cuci
2. Akar Herbanika
3. Herbanika Lulur
4. Herbanika Barut
5. Minyak Herbanika
6. Uncang Cuci
Value for money: 8.5/10
Quality: 9/10
Comment: You notice that his product do not have binder which you have buy your own. For me, I personally think that this is too expensive. However, I do read a lot of good review about this product (not very specific what is the good-thing-about-thou!) and I notice no chinese blog review on this product made me hesitate whether will it be able to go with my chinese herbs.
Quality: 9/10
Comment: You notice that his product do not have binder which you have buy your own. For me, I personally think that this is too expensive. However, I do read a lot of good review about this product (not very specific what is the good-thing-about-thou!) and I notice no chinese blog review on this product made me hesitate whether will it be able to go with my chinese herbs.
Let me share the review that I compiled which are http://pipoq.blogspot.com/2012/06/review-jenama-set-selepas-bersalin-nona.html and http://hotmummydiva.blogspot.com/2011/09/review-produk-set-bersalin-nona-roguy.html.

Amme Complete Postnatal Care Set (RM300-RM400)
Contents are:
1. Ammy Sixty Days capsule (6 botol)
2. Ammy Heat
3. Ammy Massage
4. Oil Of Telon
5. Tummy Tone
6. Body Tone
7. Postpartum Binder
2. Ammy Heat
3. Ammy Massage
4. Oil Of Telon
5. Tummy Tone
6. Body Tone
7. Postpartum Binder
Value for money: 7/10
Quality: 7.5/10
Comment: The instruction to use the product can be found at http://herbacinta.com/shop/amme-complete. Let me share the review that I found is http://ceritadiadanaku.blogspot.com/2009/06/my-confinement.html. Not much review on this product other than it can shed off KG at the fastest rate.
Quality: 7.5/10
Comment: The instruction to use the product can be found at http://herbacinta.com/shop/amme-complete. Let me share the review that I found is http://ceritadiadanaku.blogspot.com/2009/06/my-confinement.html. Not much review on this product other than it can shed off KG at the fastest rate.
Have a good buy
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